Commit Statistics

Check back periodically for fun facts and statistics about future commits and signees!

⭐Updated 12/27/24

*Statistics are generated from information we have researched and what has been shared with us. Some Ivy league schools do not let athletes announce their commitment until winter of senior year; therefore, we cannot report on some commits that are unannounced.

Commits per rankings:

**Subject to change due to new roster limits and commitment changes reported to CGC

Class of 2025 Boys:

-All golfers in the JGS top- 25 are committed

-All golfers in the rankings 26-50 committed (one re-classed)

-Three golfers in the rankings 51-100 are uncommitted

Class of 2025 Girls:

-Two golfers in the JGS top-25 are uncommitted

-All golfers in the rankings 26-50 are committed

-Fourteen golfers in the rankings 51-100 are uncommitted

Class of 2026 boys:

-Two boys in the JGS top-25 are uncommitted (& Brown turning pro)

-Six boys in the rankings 26-50 are uncommitted

-Twenty-seven boys in the rankings 51-100 are uncommitted

Class of 2026 girls:

-Four girls in the rankings 1-25 are uncommitted

-Fourteen girls in the rankings 26-50 are uncommitted

-Thirty-six girls in the rankings 51-100 are uncommitted

Highest number of D1 commits per school:

Class of 2026 Boys:

-Three: Arizona State, Georgia, Cincinnati, James Madison, Wisconsin

-Two: Alabama, Arkansas, Auburn, Ball State, BYU, UCLA, Clemson, Florida, Fresno State, Georgia Tech, Illinois, Kansas State, Kentucky, Louisville, Maryland, Mississippi State, North Carolina, North Texas, Northwestern, Oklahoma, Pepperdine, Purdue, Tennessee, Texas, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt, Virginia

Class of 2026 Girls:

-Four: Miami

-Three: Georgia, Texas Tech, Wake Forest

-Two: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Auburn, Ball State, Baylor, Colorado State, Duke, Georgia Southern, Houston, Indiana, James Madison, Kansas, Memphis, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Southern California, South Carolina, Stanford, Texas, Virginia